Reporting to Parents
In Early Years, learning is documented regularly through Tapestry, an online system for documenting observations and sharing learning with parents.
Termly structured conversations take place between teachers and parents. A written report is provided each term to share children’s targets, progress and details about their successes and next steps. The report is followed by a meeting where teachers and parents will agree how they will work together to support the child. Where a child’s parents are separated, reports will be send to both parents.
Keeble Gateway Academy has an open-door policy to encourage honest, positive and supportive dialogue between staff and parents. Parent partnerships are strong as a result of the commitment of the school staff to engage with parents through face-to-face greetings at the start and at the end of the school day. We also ensure that if we have any concerns about a child’s social and emotional wellbeing or their behaviour that we discuss it at the earliest opportunity. For our most vulnerable learners and children with SEND we have more formal meetings on a regular basis. We also communicate through emails to individual families, sometimes on a daily basis so that worries and concerns are dealt with in a timely manner.
At Keeble Gateway Academy parents are given many opportunities to discuss their children’s work. This will take the form of informal 'getting to know you' drop-in sessions at the start of the school year, termly ‘How we Learn’ sessions and our Learning Mission landings. We also invite parents to join us in celebration assemblies on Fridays to celebrate children’s successes and to ensure that parents, carers and extended family and friends feel part of the Keeble Gateway Academy community.